Monday, June 28, 2010

Back in San Rafael

 Hong Kong Cultural Center in the rain, located across the street from our hotel
Our last day in Hong Kong was a dreary rainy day.  Thus we could not visit the places we had hoped to see on our last day.  However, the silver lining was that it allowed us to rest and relax before going to the airport.
Pat and Teri in the rain as we walked towards our hotel
Other than three screaming babies who seem to take turns crying, it was an uneventful flight from Hong Kong to San Francisco.  During the flight, I had my headset on and could not hear the crying and screaming.  As the plane was making its descent to SFO, all three babies performed a cacophonous climax of crying.  Alas, all electronic devices had to be turned off so I no longer could use music to drown out the babies.  But by that time, the prospect of being home soon allowed me to listen to the cacophony with barely a discordant thought.   Ah yes, nothing could disturb my positive frame of mind as our plane approached SFO.
 My brother James was kind enough to pick us all up at the airport once we had passed through security and had retrieved our baggage.  At approximately midnight, we dropped Kacy off and finally returned home.  Surprisingly, I slept well from about 2:30 AM to 7:30 AM.  After eating a light morning repast, I feel somewhat normal.  However, I will probably find myself needing a nap shortly.  After all, it may be 8:50 AM in San Rafael as I type this post but it is 11:50 PM at night in Hong Kong.

I will post more entries when I get a chance.  Some will be "overdue" posts and others will be suggestions if and when you all should go to Hong Kong or Singapore.

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