Monday, June 28, 2010

Belated Post on Banana Leaf Apolo in Singapore

 As both Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern of the Travel Channel savored the fish head curry at Banana Leaf Apolo, we decided to go to Little India and taste this delicacy ourselves.  We ordered one medium size fish head curry along with individual Indian dishes for our lunch.  Somewhat surprising to me, I even enjoyed the fish meat that was to be found in the fish head curry dish.  :-)   We enjoyed the guava juice as well although I also drank my usual Tiger beer.

We ate on banana leaf place mats.  Although we were given a fork and a spoon, we chose to eat in the traditional manner, with our fingers only.  According to Pat, my technique for using my fingers to place the food and the rice in particular into my mouth was horrendous.  However, I figure as long as the food gets into my mouth, I consider it to be a success.  :-)

The famous fish head curry in the photo below

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