Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dinner with the Relatives

As is our custom, we always treat all of our relatives to dinner.  Before dinner, they insisted that we eat some food even before dinner.  Thus we were already somewhat full before dinner even began.  However, we managed to at least taste every entree that had been ordered.  Among the dishes were roast suckling pig and roast goose as can be seen in the photos below.  By the end of the dinner, we were all very full and tired.  As this was our first night in Hong Kong (yes, my blog is somewhat out of sequence :-), we were extremely tired on the subway ride back to our hotel. One interesting note is that there were 3 young toddlers among our relatives, all boys.  Sean and Danielle are keeping the string of boys going as well.

 "Goo Paw", my Mother and Goo Paw's daughter